Nancy H. Baird Training Strategies, Inc.
5631 Bough Court Houston, Texas 77092
Telephone: 713-680-1727 Cell: 713-569-2469 Fax: 713-812-1727
Nancy Baird presenting
"Sucession Planning"

Training Topics

· Generation X and Y
· Communicating for Results
· Team Building
· Change Management
· Diversity in the Workplace
· Dynamic Leadership
· Ethics at Work!
· Customer Service
· Strategic Time & Stress Management	
· Management Tools:  Coaching, Counseling, Rewarding, and Delegating
· Improving Employee Performance
· Succession Planning:  Building Leaders From Within
· Strategic Planning:  Developing A Course of Action
· Keeping Good Employees:  Love Them or Lose Them
· Excellence in Supervision

 Check the menu for a detailed description of 'HOT TOPICS'.